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Resolve an executor using Git

You can resolve an executor from any Git repository using different transport protocols.

Using HTTP​

"executor": {
"url": "",
"format": "Git"

Using SSH​

When using the ssh:// protocol, Blaze will retrieve the executor files from a Git repository on a SSH remote host.

You will need to provide the path to the Git repo on the remote side, as well as transport and authentication options.

"executor": {
"url": "ssh://",
"insecure": false,
"fingerprints": [
"authentication": {
"key": "{{ environment.HOME }}/my-private-key.pem",
"passphrase": "{{ environment.PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE }}",
"username": "git"

SSH URLs must have the following format : ssh://[<username>@]<host>[:<port>]/<path>

The following parameters are supported :

  • insecure : This flag will completely disable remote host key validation mecanisms when the SSH connection is started. Defaults to false and must only be used for debugging purposes and will effectively create an insecure context.
  • fingerprints (optional): An array of server key fingerprints that can be used in order to validate the server host key.
  • authentication (optional): An SSH authentication object containing credentials to use when authenticating.

Note that the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file will always be used in first instance when verifying the server's public key.

We strongly recommend to always provide the fingerprints parameter in case Blaze is executed on a machine that does not know the SSH remote host.

You can easily generate fingerprints by using the following command :

ssh-keyscan | ssh-keygen -lf -

SSH Authentication methods​

The following authentication methods are supported :

  • Private key based
  • Password based

Using a private key​

"key": "{{ environment.HOME }}/my-private-key.pem",
"passphrase": "{{ environment.PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE }}",
"username": "git"
  • key: Path to the private key file.
  • passphrase (optional): The passphrase to use for decrypting the private key file.
  • username (optional): The username to use when authenticating (if not already provided in the URL).

Using a username and password​

"username": "{{ environment.HOME }}/my-private-key.pem",
"passphrase": "{{ environment.PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE }}",
"username": "git"
  • password: The password to use when authenticating.
  • username (optional): The username to use when authenticating (if not already provided in the URL).

Using the Git protocol​

"executor": "git://"

Only the git:// scheme supports providing a single URL as an executor reference.

  • branch : Checkout a specific branch. For example master.
  • tag: Checkout a commit referenced by a particular tag. For example 1.0.
  • rev: Checkout a commit referenced by a particular revision string. For example f2c6b1f2e9cbe24a124762c13aa2d0def2466cf8.
  • path : Path to the executor files from the repository index. Defaults to the repository index /.
  • kind : Specify the executor project type. Similar as the kind option when resolving executors from the file system.
  • pull: If true, Blaze will always try to pull last changes from the repository. false is set by default. Please note that this option must be kept to false if something like a commit hash was specified using the rev Option.

If the branch, tag or rev parameter is not supplied, the default branch will be checked out.