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Resolving an executor from the file system

When using the file scheme, Blaze will lookup for an executor source files at the specified path :

The full URL must match the following format : file://<path>.

"executor": "file://path/to/my/custom/executor"

path must point to the root directory of your executor source files. If it is not an absolute path, it will be treated as relative to the workspace root directory.

Supported options​

Specific options can be passed by using an object instead of a simple URL string.

The following parameters are supported :

  • url: The file:// URL representing the executor's root directory.
  • kind (optional): Specify the executor type. If not specified, it will be inferred by looking at the presence of either a package.json, or a Cargo.toml file at the specified path. In most cases, you will not have to specify it explicitely. Possible values are :
    • Rust
    • Node
  • rebuild: Choose a strategy for when Blaze should re-build the executor. Possible values are :
    • Always: Always rebuild the executor.
    • OnChange: Rebuild when files have changed.
  • watch: An array of file changes matcher which works like the the cache.invalidateWhen.inputChanges keys of your targets configuration.

The default options are the following :

"executor": {
"url": "file://path/to/my/custom/executor",
"build": "OnChanges",
"watch": [
"pattern": "**",
"exclude": [
"behavior": "Mixed"