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The cargo scheme


This feature is still is development and will be available in Alpha release

When using the cargo scheme, Blaze will load the executor from a specific Cargo package.

"executor": "cargo:///my-custom-executor-crate"

The following URL formats are supported :

  • cargo:///<crate-name>: Will fetch crate-name from the official registry.
  • cargo://<custom-registry>[:<port>]/<crate-name>: Will fetch crate-name from custom-registry, which can be any valid host, along with an optional port number.

You can provide more options as well using this syntax :

"executor": {
"url": "cargo:///my-custom-executor-crate",
"version": "1.0.0",
"insecure": false,
"token": "{{ environment.CARGO_TOKEN }}"
  • version : The crate version string, same syntax as in Cargo.toml
  • pull: Always try pull a new version of the crate when resolving the executor. This has no effect if you specified a fixed version.
  • token : The token to use when authenticating to a custom registry.
  • insecure : When value is set to true, will allow non secure connections or certificate rejections when using TLS. Should be set only for debugging purposes.