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blaze - Blaze CLI root options.


Blaze CLI root options. These will be available for all Blaze commands and they are all optional.


blaze [-r / --root <ROOT>] [-l / --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>] [-n / --no-cache ] [--json-var <JSON_VAR>] [--yaml-var <YAML_VAR>] [--jsonnet-var <JSONNET_VAR>] [--str-var <STR_VARS>...] [--var-file <VAR_FILES>...] <SUBCOMMAND>


  • [-r / --root <ROOT>] : Path to the workspace root directory. Defaults to the current working directory. You can provide either an absolute path or a path relative to your current working directory.
  • [-l / --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>] : Global level of logging. For the maximum level of logging, use the value Debug. If you only care about errors, use the value Error. If you want to ignore warnings and debugging messages, use the value Info. The default mode (Warn) will display everything except debugging messages.
  • [-n / --no-cache ] : Disable cache globally. This will prevent Blaze from accessing cache data at any time (for reading or writing). Target executions or resolved executors will not be saved to cache.
  • [--json-var <JSON_VAR>] : Override variables through a JSON string. The option value must be a valid JSON document. Variables will be overriden using the JSON Merge patch algorithm (RFC7396).
  • [--yaml-var <YAML_VAR>] : Override variables through a YAML string. The option value must be a valid YAML document. Variables will be overriden using the JSON Merge patch algorithm (RFC7396).
  • [--jsonnet-var <JSONNET_VAR>] : Override variables through a Jsonnet string. The option value must be a valid Jsonnet snippet. Variables will be overriden using the JSON Merge patch algorithm (RFC7396).
  • [--str-var <STR_VARS>...] : Override a single variable with a string value. The expected format is the variable name, followed by an = sign and the corresponding value. For example you could override the foo variable with the string bar using the syntax: foo=bar. You can override multiple variables by passin this options multiple times. You can override nested values with multiple keys separated by dots, for example my.nested.key=value.
  • [--var-file <VAR_FILES>...] : Override variables with a custom variables file. The option value must be the path to the custom variable file.


No positional arguments for this command.
